Saturday, July 28, 2012

something from nothing

leaving less is more

in the sustainablely harvested dust

on and upward we go

rough outline
coming around  as long as the child labor laws dont catch up with me... rough coat
gathering the raw materials 


shout out to our friends at blue moon acres farm

and the bent spoon

for their support

and of course lucky dog camp

Monday, July 23, 2012

pallet and daub, from an undisclosed location

The boys are still in Trenton,

toughing it out


Pete has regrouped up North

to rebuild the bat cave

taking a new tack




Metal tools scattered to the four winds

Transitioning to wood,( heard this stuff grows on trees)

Or at least a byproduct of our consumptive nature.


recent design

on an ancient technique Watch on Posterous
shout out to Scott from Blue moon acres

Melita from Lucky dog



stay tuned .....


Tuesday, July 3, 2012

220 allen street , over and out

I, Pete Abrams would like to thank everyone who was instrumental in making the Trenton Atelier and Modern Metal Work llc

@ 220 Allen street a reality.

The physical space is gone, reverted back to the morass from which it came.


Yet energy remains,

awaiting  time to emerge,
