Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Val 6

New years resolution: to get posts out in a more orderly fashion 

and not be so cryptic



ehhhh ,maybe next year.


Our latest and Greatest  addition

puts a fire under our butts to get the biodiesel mixer from Jon



Martin hanging out before the festivities
Wole,Yakub and Kasso talking Art


Eddie Hayes ( Issacs' unclaimed love child) rockin GPS with Brian Williams
Bed in making for Euphrates

Making the best of an unpleasant experience 
Grahams door was broken into  (three times) over the weekend

Not much stolen,

Wills found window fit perfectly

and Kasso is going to bang it out

so be ready for a new entrance

Or as we like to say at the shop: when someone kicks down your door, a window appears in its place. 


Martin forking around




Got the dog and pony show in two weeks as Princeton University is coming to analyze the B Home for consideration in their sustainable shelter studio.

Need to have a full size working prototype ready by then

Anyone want to come lend a hand to help build this  ,more then welcome.



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