Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Big Move

Today, we managed to move the office from downstairs to our scenic loft upstairs. It's warmer, cleaner, and all around better for getting things done. There's a heater, too, which we'll be needing for when the winter comes around. There's already a chill in the air down in Trenton, and we're cracking the sweaters and fleece in preparation. Coffee is almost always on the perk, and we're keeping busy making Firebowls and other cool things to stay warm and get some bankroll saved for the cold days ahead. There's going to be some smaller things to be made soon as well, like belt buckles, We'll see how things turn out for our intrepid heroes as they scavenge, salvage, and forage for survival and attempt to gain a livelihood in this urban jungle.

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